

Вестник Сибирского института
бизнеса и информационных
. 2016.
1. Averchenko, L. K.
Sistema raboty s personalom v organizatsii: uchebnoe posobie
[System of work with per-
sonnel in the organization: textbook] [Text] / L. K. Averchenko. Novosibirsk, Sapa Publishing house, 2008, 177 p.
2. Adamchuk, V. V.
Ekonomika i sotsiologiya truda: Uchebnoe posobie
. [Economics and sociology of labour:
textbook]. [Text] / V. V. Adamchuk, O. V. Romashov, M. E. Sorokina. M., UNITY, 1999, 407 p.
3. Atamanchuk, C. G.
Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba: kadrovyy potentsial: Uchebnoe posobie.
[Public service: hu-
man resources: Training manual]. [Text] / S. G. Atamanchuk, V. I. Matiko. M., Delo, 2001, 216 p.
4. Gavrilova E. D.
Analiz podkhodov k formirovaniyu i otsenke trudovogo potentsiala predpriyatiya.
of approaches to the formation and evaluation of labour potential of enterprise] //Actual problems of labour and the de-
velopment of human capacity: Interuniversity. Sat. scientific. works. Issue 1 / Under the editorship of N. A. Gorelova,
O. P. Litovka. SPb., Publishing house Spbguef publ., 2003, 178 p.
5. Elovikov, L. A.
Ekonomika truda. Uchebnoe posobie.
[Economics of labor. Training manual] [Text] /
L.A. lovikov. Omsk, publishing house OmSU, 2000, 335 p.
6. Zhukov, Yu. M.
Tekhnologii komandoobrazovaniya: ucheb. posobie.
[Teambuilding Technology: Training
manual]. [Text] / Y. M. Zhukov. M., Aspect Press, 2008, 319 p.
7. Kibanov, A. Y.
Upravlenie personalom organizatsii: Uchebnik 4-e izd., dop. i pererab.
[Personnel Manage-
ment in organization: a Textbook 4th ed., Ext. and Rev]. [Text] / A. J. Kibanov. M., INFRA-M, 2010, 695 p.
8. Kulikov, V. G.
Effektivnaya komanda menedzhera/ Seriya «Biznes-klass»
[Effective team of Manager / Series
"Business class"]. [Text] / V. G. Kulikov, And S. D. Resnick. Rostov n/D, Phoenix, 2005, 312 p.
9. Lyamin, G.V.
Funktsii kadrovogo yadra personala v usloviyakh strategicheskogo razvitiya meditsinskogo
uchrezhdeniya. Aktual'nye voprosy ekonomicheskikh nauk: sbornik materialov XLVII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-
prakticheskoy konferentsii.
[Functions of recruiting core staff in the strategic development of the medical institution.
Topical issues of economic Sciences: proceedings of the XLVII International scientific-practical conference] / ed. by
S.S. Chernov. [Text] / G. V. Lyamin. – Novosibirsk, Publishing house CRNS, 2015, pp. 155-160.
10. Maslov, V. E.
Vysvobozhdenie personala kak organizatsionnaya problema
[Release of personnel as an or-
ganizational problem] // Problems of enterprise development: theory and practice: Materials of International scientific-
practical conference. [Text] / E. V. Maslov. Samara, Publishing house of Samarsk. state economic. Acad., 2002, 366 p.
11. Odegov, Y. G.
Ekonomika truda: uchebnik i praktikum dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata.
[Economics of
labor: tutorial and workshop for the academic undergraduate]. [Text] / Y.G. Odegov, G.G. Rudenko. 2-e Izd., Rev. and
extra - M., urait, 2014, 423 p.
12. Odegov, Y. G.
Motivatsiya personala: Uchebnoe posobie. Prakticheskie zadaniya (praktikum).
of the personnel: manual. Practical exercises (workshop)] [Text] / Y.G. Odegov, G.G. Rudenko, S.N. Apenko,
A.I. Marko. M., Publishing house "Alpha-Press", 2010, 640 p.
13. Spivak, V. A.
Komandoobrazovanie: sistema klyuchevykh kompetentsiy sovremennogo menedzhera.
Building: the system of key competences of the modern Manager] [Text] / V.A. Spivak // Personnel Development Man-
agement, 2008,
3 (15), pp.196-208.
14. Thompson, L.
Sozdanie komandy
[Making the team] [Text] / Lei Thompson. M., Vertex, 2006, 544 p.
15. Chanko, A. D.
Komandy v sovremennykh organizatsiyakh: uchebnik.
[Teams in modern organizations: text-
book]. [Text] / A. D. Chanko. SPb, graduate school of management, 2011, 407 p.
Ekonomika i upravlenie personalom: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar'
[Economics and personnel management:
encyclopedic dictionary] [Text] / ed. by S. I. Sotnikova. Novosibirsk, NSUEM, 2012, 468 p.